Meeting #2 5/2/21
4:10 pm
“’You are asking me to do more than just read a book’: Student Reading in a General Literature Course” — Ann N. Amicucci, Michael M. Williamson, Sarah E. DeCapua, and John R. Hrebik
At our second meeting of the spring semester, we discussed Amiccui, Williamson, DeCapua, and Hrebik’s article, “You are asking me to do more than read a book.”
We paid particular attention to the author’s coding matrix, raising inquiries into the methodology and terminology for “ways of reading” and “role of reading.” The authors also indicate that “working with non-majors in a course that demands a great deal of students as readers is quite different from working with students who are perhaps more drawn to the task of reading literature” (p. 2). We considered how this statement has significance for community college instructors.
Moreover, we discussed how reader identity can be shaped within a class (through the practice of making meaning from a text) but also by a course (through the position the course places a student: honors, developmental, etc.).
We ended our discussion by considering a variety of texts for session 3.