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Author Archives: Emily Schnee

Spring 2021 Meeting # 3

In the last meeting of the semester we reflected on our experiences using Blackboard’s newest tool, Hypothes.is annotation software, and discussed ways to support and expand its use among interested Kingsborough faculty.

Spring 2021 Meeting # 2

In this month’s meeting, KCC faculty will share our experiences experimenting with Hypothes.is annotation software, a new tool for collaborative, online annotation which is available for pilot use in our spring courses via Blackboard.

Spring 2021 Meeting # 1

This semester we will take a deep dive into annotation as a key strategy for helping our students become more engaged, thoughtful, and critical readers. We will experiment with Hypothes.is annotation software which is now available for pilot use in our spring courses via Blackboard. We’ll use the FIG to learn how to integrate Hypothesis into our teaching and to discuss our experiences with using this new tool for collaborative, online annotation.

Fall 2020 Meeting # 3

In our last meeting of the semester, our colleague Brian Hoeft from the Behavioral Sciences department talked about students’ reading and responses, as he begins to use Hypothes.is annotation software in his sociology class at Nassau Community College (SUNY) where Hypothes.is was recently installed as an application within Blackboard. Brian encouraged faculty to use Hypothesis as a way to get resistant readers to do the reading and to deepen students’ reading of challenging texts.

Fall 2020 Meeting # 2

In our second meeting of the “Does Reading Matter?” FIG, we experimented with how we might use Google docs, a free and widely available platform with which many of our students are familiar, as a tool for collaborative annotation in our classes. The FIG facilitator shared her students’ work on collaborative annotation using Google docs and we discussed the importance of both annotation assignment design and annotation assessment to the success of such strategies. We briefly discussed this piece from The New York Times Magazine on the power of collaborative annotation as a way to make reading more of a social activity.

Fall 2020 Meeting # 1

This semester, the “Does Reading Matter?” FIG is taking a deep dive into annotation as a key strategy for helping our students become more engaged, thoughtful, and critical readers. At our first meeting, we participated in a training in using Hypothes.is annotation software. CUNY and Kingsborough are in the process of acquiring this annotation software, which will soon be available to us and our students through Blackboard, as part of a free trial program. This session gave KCC faculty an overview of how the software works in Blackboard and addressed specific questions individual instructors had about how they might use it in their courses.